Includes CorelDRAW Essentials X6
Please note that support has officially ended for this program. Support for this version is provided below with these updates only.
Digitizer MBX v5.0 system requirements:
Windows OS: 7 32/64-bit with latest service packs installed, 8/8.1 32/64-bit, 10 64-bit
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64
Browser: I.E. 9.0 or later
Memory: 4 GB minimum
Hard Disk Size: 80 GB
Free Disk Space: 40 GB
Graphics Card: Support for Highest Color (32bit) and resolution (1366 X 768)
Monitor: 1366 X 768 screen resolution
Mouse: USB mouse
Internet Connection: Required for product activation and registration
*NOTE: CorelDRAW Essentials X5 may not be compatible on Windows 10 systems.
Software Updates:
Digitizer MBX v5.0 will automatically notify you if there is an available update, however, if you need to remove Digitizer v5.0 and reinstall, or are simply reinstalling on a new computer, you can download and install the current software build from the link below.
Digitizer MBX 5.0Q:
Please click here for Digitizer MBX v5.0Q update and installation instructions.
Dongle driver v8.13 – HASP driver
Enables Windows 10 compatibility
Please click here for Sentinel HASP driver v8.13 download link and installation instructions.