Software Lessons

Design Position

Do you remember high school geometry class when you worked with graphs? We learned that the center of graphs is where the x-axis crosses the y-axis. We also learned we can plot a point's location according to where it falls on the graph.

Digitizer 10000 and Digitizer Pro/MB uses this premise to plot design position. It uses the center lines of the design screen to indicate where the x-axis crosses the y-axis. It is at this intersect that the x position = 0 and the y position = 0.

Design position is calculated based on the center point of the design. Digitizer determines the center of the design based on its dimensions. It uses that center point as its location coordinates.

If you don't already have the centering lines turned on, do so at this time.

Right click on the design screen. This pop-up menu will appear: 
Click Work Environment... The Work Environment dialog box will appear. Click an arrow in the Display Center Lines box. 
If you don't have the grid on, click an arrow in the Display Grid box. Make the grid 1/2 inch by clicking on the slide bar and moving it to .5 inch. This is helpful for you when visually tracking how far from center a design is. Every two grids equals one inch.

Click OK. 
Once the center lines are present, it is easy to see the graph.

Click the Zoom Out icon
Clicking the Zoom Out icon allows you to see more of the design screen. Notice how the graph continues in all directions, even past the hoop. 
Let's bring a design onto the design screen, and then move it around to see how its coordinates change.

Click the Open icon
The Open dialog box will appear. Click Fish (*.JAN). Click Open
Click the Zoom Out icon twice.

Press the Ctrl key on your keyboard, and at the same time, press the A key (Ctrl-A) to select the entire Floral Design2. 
Click the Object Details icon
Click the Dimension tab
Notice that the Fish design came onto the design screen almost exactly centered (the design is .01 inch off center).

Click on the Fish design and drag it up and to the right. 
Click the Object Details icon. Click the Dimensions tab
Notice that the x and y coordinates are both positive. Click OK.

Now drag the design below and to the left. 
Click the Object Details icon. Click the Dimensions tab, if necessary. 
Notice both the x and y coordinates are negative.

The position coordinates are not just informational. By changing the coordinates back to zero, you will direct Digitizer 10000 to move the design back to center.

Type zero in the x and y boxes. 
Click OK. The design will jump to the center position.

Did you notice that when you moved the designs, there was a line from the center of the design screen to the design? That line represents the needle movement that would occur from the start point of the design (the center) to the actual sewing start point if you were sewing on the Memory Craft.

There is no option to remove the hoop from the design screen in Digitizer 10000. The hoops that can be shown are all representations of Janome Memory Craft hoops.

However, you do not have to digitize within the hoop. You can use any part of the design screen to create your designs. This is useful for non-Janome users.

In Digitizer Pro/MB, you can click the Hoop icon to turn off the hoop showing on the screen.

If you are not a Janome sewing machine user, your design does not have to be within a hoop when it is saved. It can be anywhere on the design screen.

If you are a Janome sewing machine user, your design must be within the design area (the red box) of the hoop when it is saved. Note that if your design is off-center, it will be saved off- center. If you send it to the Memory Craft 10000, it will be sent off-center. It is good practice to center your design before you save or send.

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