Once a design is on the layout screen, it can be saved as an*.arg file, so you don't have to recreate it if you need it in the future.
Once a design is on the layout screen, it can be saved as an*.arg file, so you don't have to recreate it if you need it in the future.
Click File, Save As...
The Save As dialog box will display.
Choose where you would like to save your design, if you don't want to use the default folder, My Designs, in Customizer 10000.
Type the file name for your design.
Click Save.
Click the New icon to clear the screen.
Let's bring in the arrangement we just created.
Click the Open icon.
The Open dialog box will display. Only files of type *.arg can be read.
Double click Flowers.
The *.arg file will be placed on the layout screen.