How to Make Fabric Bookmarks

Fabric and Notions Required

You will need a ruler, 100% Cotton fabric, a remnant of fusible interfacing (medium weight) a marking pen or chalk, your regular and edge stitch sewing machine feet, a point turner and some straight pins.


1 – Cut three squares measuring 4” x 4” (inches) 


2 – Interface the square you will use as your “angle”. Take your interfaced square and diagonal fold it (as pictured). Press. Edge stitch close to the fold using your edge stitch foot.


3 – Sandwich the angle between the remaining two squares, having right sides of squares facing each other. Make marks to represent an opening. (As pictured. 1.5 inches) Pin around each side of the square.



4 – With your regular presser foot and a ¼ seam allowance, start sewing at the first mark, back stitch and sew around the square. Pivot at the corners. Stop at the second mark and back stitch.  Clip the corners at an angle. Turn the bookmark right side out. Poke out the corners. Press.



5 – Using your edgestitch foot, stitch close to the edge around the bookmark. Give a final press and you are done!  

Make several and use them for your sewing Library! I love mine!!!



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