Contemporary Placemat

Jane Spolar of Quilt Poetry created this placemat and double sided napkin duet perfect for any time of year. The set pictured was made from the “Bollywood Bliss” fabric collection Jane designed for Northcott. A perfect project to use several coordinating fabrics you’ve wanted to use – and a great palette to play with a variety of thread and stitches!

Janome Supplies Required

Janome Supplies Required

  1. Any Janome machine: Jane used the Horizon MC 12000
  2. Zigzag Foot A
  3. Open Toe Satin Stitch Foot F2
  4. Free Motion Quilting Open Toe Foot QO

Fabric and Notions Required

Fabric and Notions Required

  • 1/2 yd print for background
  • 1/2 yd coordinating blender for appliqué
  • 5/8 yd coordinating print for backing
  • 1/4 yd coordinating stripe for binding
  • 3/4 yd fusible web
  • 1/4 yd non-woven lightweight fusible interfacing
  • 5/8 yd thin batting
  • Embroidery needle size 80/12 or 90/14, depending upon the decorative thread used
  • Two to four colors of decorative thread for appliqué and quilting
  • Temporary spray adhesive


Pattern Instructions:

Click here for the Contemporary Double-Sided Napkins.

Print the pattern (click here) and tape the four pages together, using the cross marks to help align the pages.

Placemat Instructions:

  • Cut from the background print two rectangles measuring 13½” x 17½”.
  • Cut from the backing print two rectangles measuring 17½” x 21½”.
  • Cut from the batting two rectangles measuring 17½” x 21½”.
  • Cut four 1¾” binding strips from the stripe.
  1. To create the appliqué, flip the pattern over to the backside. Trace onto fusible web, two large half spiral shapes and two small half spiral shapes. Cut roughly around the outside of the lines. Do not cut on the lines at this time. (The lines of the pattern should be thick and dark enough to trace through the back. If they are not, print another copy of the pattern in reversed mode and trace from it.)
  2. Following the web manufacturer’s instructions, fuse the templates to the wrong side of the appliqué fabric. Let cool, then cut out the shapes on the lines. Peel the paper backing off the shapes.
  3. Using the pattern as a guide for placement, place the half spiral shapes on the background and fuse in place. (The edges of the appliqué should meet the edges of the placemats.
  4. Remembering safety precautions adhere the placemat to the batting with temporary spray adhesive. Do not adhere the backing yet. (This is done so the following satin stitching doesn’t show on the back of the placemat.)
  5. Attach foot F2 to the machine.
  6. Using utility zig zag stitch 9 (middle) set at 2.5 width and .35 length, stitch around the edges of the appliqué with decorative thread. Pivot frequently, always when the needle is on the outside of the appliqué shape. (This is made so easy with the Horizon setting which lifts the foot every time you stop stitching.)
  7. Adhere the placemat, batting assembly to the backing.
  8. If you like, use another decorative thread and utility triple stitch 5 set at a length of 2.3, and stitch around either edge of the satin stitching. This is time consuming but I love the way it looks!
  9. Attach Foot QO to the machine. (I love using this foot with thin battings. It’s so easy to switch back and forth with normal sewing feet! – If you haven’t used it yet, try it!)
  10. Quilt the placemats. I used a pink thread and feather quilting inside the appliqué, then a green variegated thread to quilt around the outsides of the feather quilting. For the background, I used metallic thread and followed the outlines of the motif.
  11. Attach foot A to the machine.
  12. Sew two binding strips together for each placemat. Sew the single fold binding to the placemat. Turn under and pin the binding on the back. Using appliqué stitch 6 set at 3.5 width and 2.5 length, reversed so it stitches from the left instead of the right – stitch in the ditch of the binding from the front of the placemat using a decorative thread. So much more fun that stitching the binding to the back by hand!

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