Charmed Pillow 


Hi Janome Friends! It’s Melanie Call from A Bit of Scrap Stuff Blog and Instagram. Today I’m sharing my Charmed Pillow Project that I created with my Janome M17.  

Perhaps you are like me and have lots of 5″ Charm Packs / Stackers in your fabric collection and aren’t quite sure what to make when you only have One 5″ Charm Pack/Stacker.  I’m helping you solve that fabric dilemma today. With just one 5″ Charm Pack /Stacker you are able to make two Charmed Pillows (front panels) and they coordinate perfectly!!!   I absolutely love making pillows as they are a quick and affordable project!

I used one Lighthearted Charm pack by Camille Roskelley for Moda Fabrics to create both Charmed Pillows.  For the Charmed Pillow: Option A … I used only the red/pinks/white fabrics from the Lighthearted Charm Pack to create an ombre design with fabrics . I absolutely love it!

For Charmed Pillow: Option B, I used the aqua, green, and white prints. I arranged the fabrics in a different layout to create a more scrappy looking pillow.  I love that I was able to make 2 coordinating pillows using one charm pack! 

Ready to make your own Charmed Pillows – 

Charmed Pillow 18″ x 18″

Supplies For (1) Pillow:

*Fabric used in cover pillows: Lighthearted by Camille Roskelley for Moda Fabrics

*You will be able to make (2) Pillow fronts with just one 5” Charm Pack / Stacker 

Charmed Pillow Block Assembly

18.5” x 18.5” unfinished

Option A:

  Option B:

— Piecing Instructions —

This project is assembled in columns. 

Each column contains (3) A 5” x 5” squares and (2) B 2.75” x 5” rectangles. 

A. Option A

·       Sew together A + B + A + B + A.  Column measures 5” x 18.5”. Make (4) Columns 

·       Press Column 1 and 3 towards bottom. Press Column 2 and 4 towards top. Sew Columns together as shown. Column 1 + Column 2 + Column 3 + Column 4. Unfinished pillow measures 18.5” x 18.5”

B. Option B

·       Column 1.  Sew together A + A + B + B + A.  Press towards bottom. Column measures 5” x 18.5”.

·       Column 2: Sew together B + A + A + A + B. Press towards top. Column measures 5” x 18.5”.

·       Column 3: Sew together A + B + B + A + A. Press towards bottom. Column measures 5” x 18.5”.

·       Column 4. Sew together B + A + A + A + B. Press towards top. Column measures 5” x 18.5”.

·       Sew Columns together as shown. Column 1 + Column 2 + Column 3 + Column 4. Unfinished pillow measures 18.5” x 18.5”

Quilt and finish pillow with preferred method * (tutorial links below).

Both Charmed Pillows (piecing, quilting, and zipper installation) were created with my Janome M17.  I absolutely love my Janome M17! It is so easy to use plus always has perfect stitches. 

  • Tip: Use the Janome HP 1/4″ foot for an accurate seam allowance for quilting projects. Don’t forget to use the HP needle plate too.

I can’t wait to see your Charmed Pillow. #CharmedPillow  #ABitofScrapStuff

Zippered Pillow Tutorials:

Be sure to follow me on Instagram @ABitofScrapStuff and on my A Bit of Scrap Stuff Blog for more fabric fun!

Have a great day and happy embroidering /sewing / quilting! 

Melanie Call. 

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