Holiday Cooking Apron

This is a great apron for the holidays! No around the neck ties, so your neck wont get pulled forward. And lots of options for pockets! Super quick and easy to sew up!

Fabric and Notions Required



Sewing Machine




1) Cut the following

Fabric A- Cut (1) 27” wide x 25” tall rectangle for the front of the apron.

Fabric B – Cut (1) 10” x 27“ Pocket.

Fabric C – Cut (1) 27” wide by 25” tall rectangle for the apron lining.

Fabric D – Cut (2) 2 1/2″ x 75″ and (2) 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ strips for the ties and loops.

Extra width and height may be added for those of the taller variety.

1) With your (2) 2 1/2″ x 75″ tie strips and (2) 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ strips from your ties and loops fabric, use your iron and press strips in half along the length of each strip on each side, wrong sides together. On just the 75” strips, use your iron to turn and press 1/4″along the length of each strip on each side. Press the corners in and press a triangle on each half, as shown in the photo, then press the mitered end over to the back side of the strip. Do not do this end-folding step to the 3 1/2″ strips. Press the 75“ strips in half widthwise, then sew close to the edge to secure, being sure to catch both sides with your needle. With the 3 1/2” strips fold and press in half, wrong sides together, width ways.

2) With your fabric B pocket, fold the top edge strip 1/2” to the wrong side and press. Fold to the wrong side again 1/4” and press flat. Topstitch close to the bottom hem to secure in place.

3) Place your Fabric B Pocket right side down on the bottom edge of the right side of fabric C, baste stitch into palce if needed. Add pocket segments. I added three pockets to mine, One large enough to fit acell phone and one small enough to hold a few utinsiles.

4) Fold fabric A rectangle in half lengthwise, right sides out. Mark the edge of the fabric as shown with the arrows. Draw lines as shown.


1) Draw a smooth curve for the armhole from the mark on the top to the corner of the dashed lines and to the mark 12” down the side. Repeat for the bottom corner.

2) Cut the armhole and bottom curve. For both the front fabric and the lining fabric.

3) Notch your curved pieces for flatter seams.

4) Place the apron front and backing right sides together, take your 3 ó” strips and fold them in half. Tuck and pin one 1/4″ down on either side of the armpit point so that the loop is on the inside of the apron.

5) Now, take your 50″ strips and align the raw edge end 3/8″ from the top corner on either side of the top of your apron. Pin in place, and be sure the tails are tucked inside the apron and will not be in your way while sewing the edge seam of the apron.

6) With your two apron pieces right sides together. With a 1/2 seam allowance, stitch across the top edge and around the sides and bottom edges of the apon front. Leaving a 4” gap to turn apron right side out.

7) Grade the seam allowances to reduce bulk. Do not trim seam allowances to less than 1/4.

8) Turn apron right sides out. Press seams flat. Topstitch around the edge of the entire apron, ensuring to close the 4” gap. And enjoy that apron! Get some holiday baking done!


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