Baby Bonnet

Milinda Stephenson made this adorable in-the-hoop heirloom baby bonnet for the precious newborn child. 

Janome Supplies Required

  • One 17″ x 21″ piece of white bastiste or muslin
  • Spray starch
  • Tear-Away stabilizer
  • Winged needle
  • Regular embroidery needle
  • Embroidery thread
  • Hoop GR
  • Free downloadable design (see above)
  • 2 yards of gathered lace edging
  • 1/2 yard, 1/4″ pink or blue ribbon for the ribbon ties
  • Hand-sewing needle and thread

Fabric and Notions Required

  • Iron bastiste or muslin with spray starch until it is stiff. Place it in Hoop GR along with the Tear-Away stabilizer.
  • Placed a winged needle in the sewing machine.
  • Thread the machine with white embroidery thread.


Click here to download the free design (created in Artistic Suite)

Step 1: Embroider hem-stitching by pressing the start button on your machine. Color 1, navy blue, is the hem stitching.

Step 2: Embroider the flowers by changing the needle to a regular embroidery needle and using the colors of your choice. Milinda used green, blue and then pink.

Step 3: Sew lace edging to the edge of the bonnet butting, edging up to the hem stitching. If you wish, you may use your zig-zag stitch and allow the needle to go in the hem stitched holes as you attach the lace. After attaching the lace, cut away the excess material using applique scissors and avoid cutting the lace!

Step 4: Stitch the ribbon ties to each side of the bonnet front.

Step 5: To make the bonnet back, tack each of the four points together, catching only the end of each point. 


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